Would you like to reach leaders, practitioners, scholars, and advocates in the Black Mental Health and Wellness community? The Psych Discourse is where you do that.
The ABPsi reaches over 15,000 people interested in
- Black Mental Health
- Black Wellness
- African/Black Psychology
- Black Mental Health Professionals
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
- Pan African thought and philosophy
The Psych Discourse is an important vehicle for advertising products and services for the thousands of people interested in Black mental health and wellness, throughout the United States and the world (we have members and subscribers in nearly a dozen countries).
The Psychdiscourse Editorial team accepts advertisements and article submissions according to the policy of The Association of Black Psychologists.
The Association of Black Psychologists does not accept funding, advertising, or sponsorship from manufacturers or sellers of products that present a risk to the health and well-being of Afrikan people. Such entities may include, but are not limited to, makers of alcohol, tobacco, firearms, and certain pharmaceutical products.
Advertising Rates
DISPLAY ADS: DISPLAY AD SPECS: png, jpeg, gif, or tif files only. (Display ads must be in the proper format and size). See below for ad sizes.

Advertisement Price Schedule
All prices are 50% off for individual members of ABPsi.
Organizational members should contact 301.449.3082
Leaderboard advertisements on the homepage of the website. 728 x 90 pixel premium position at the website's front page. No more than 2 advertisements in rotation during any 30 day period.
Sidebar Advertisement Advertisement on the homepage of the website. 300 x up to 600 pixel on side bar and in rotation with other sidebar ads.
Article/Post Advertisement is a square or rectangle image ad placed at the bottom of articles/posts in rotation with other advertisements.